God’s Got A Plan
Did you know God had a plan for you?
The bible says “ Be not weary in well doing”
“Because he has an expected end for you”.
5 Steps to Activate God’s Plan for You
1. Identify that there is a Plan
God knows that your end is GOOD. The bible says “Don’t get weary in your middle”
2.To Know that God has a Plan and not ourselves. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Just be secure that he knows what what he is doing. It may not even look like it right now. Get past the identify and now KNOW.
3.Cultivating the Plan (Romans: 10:17)
We must be still and know. You must get in a place and be taught. You may not agree with everything your leaders are saying but you must be still and hear the word of God ( not the Pastors )
4.Implement the Plan
Now that you have identified that there is a plan you must implement it.
Stop starting everything and not finishing nothing. You must step out of the boat.
5.Expect the Blessing
Why would you start a plan and not expect it to come to pass.
Expect God to do what he planned to do.
If you have not heard this message or would like to hear it in it’s entirety please contact the media ministry at Vicki Coward Agape International Ministries Worldwide. media@vickicowardminitries.com
1 comment:
God's does have a plan and purpose for all of us. I told a young lady recently that we can live our lives going from day to day, year after year and not know our purpose. God's has so much in store for us. We're Abraham's seed and we have a right to the inheritance. Being the the middle can hold us back if we let it.Focusing on the things that are seen(what we see with the naked eye)can cloud our vision spiritually.To thoses who don't your purpose again seeking God, because only He can reveal your purpuse.
God Bless!
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