Monday, June 23, 2008

It's Me,It's Me,It's Me Oh Lord....

Sunday, June 22,2008

John 10:10
Ephesians 4:3
Luke 18:18-23

One of the main reasons we drive almost 2 hrs to church is due to messages like this.
Pastors Cliff & Vicki Coward are straight shooters. The messages deal with real life
situations. Issues that they, themselves are not exempt from.

As I listen to the CD from the service on yesterday you can hear the genuine praise of the people. It's a beautiful sound and I know the Lord was pleased. The hunger for him escapes the praise.It was heard and felt.

Psalms 34:6 reads - This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him and saved him out of ALL his trouble.

Listening with a spiritual ear I could ear a very distinctive sound coming from Elder Simms. It was a sound of "triumph"...His praise was intense.

My Message Take Away

The entire message was relevant but one thing hit me like a ton of bricks.
Pastor asked the question, " What in the world is stopping God from moving on my behalf? Most times the answer to that question is staring at us in the mirror.

We must acknowledge that it is that person in the mirror and get out the way.

What are your thoughts?

Min.Nicole Cleveland

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

We are back!

I have been convicted. I have not posted in a few months due to a sense of being overwhelmed. But if we start something we must be consistent. Especially the things of God and this blog was created to help others. And it was God Inspired! So help me be consistent. Hold me accountable. I think it's very important to hold each other accountable. And trust me I won't get offended..The same way I am building my business I must build the Kingdom of God.

The Lord has given all of us talents. What is your talent?

Anyhoo -- Yesterday Pastor was truly in his vein. It was Father's Day andhe walked us throught the book of Proverbs. Proverbs teaches us about characer & integrity.

Some scriptures include :

Proverbs 1:8
Proverbs 13:12

You know I get excited about the word and get all wrapped up in the teaching so I missed a few scriptures..Please share the rest of the scriptures.

But the part of the teaching that stuck with me was when Pastor went back to Luke 15;11 - The Prodigal Son. The scripture said "when he came to himself"(vs 17)

In 2004 I meditated day & night on this verse. I prayed this prayer
"Lord, bring my husband to himself"

And got did just that, Glory to God!

So now I have replaced the word "my husband" with "my son"

Lord, bring my son to himself"

And just like he did it for my husband he will do that thing for my son. Pastor called tevan's name out when the spirit was high, it was deliverance in the air...i felt it. You see we haven't heard from Tev in about 2 weeks. But last night a little after 11pm he called to wish his dad a "happy father's day"

I know it was the angels that went to him on yesterday...i just know it!

Make it a great day!

- Min. Nicole Cleveland